Allied Academies

About Conference

Dear friends and colleagues!

The 2nd World Congress on Smart Materials and Structure will take place in London, United Kingdom, from September 10, 2021. We are thrilled to have enthusiastic researchers from all over the world join us, on behalf of the organising committee.

The conference's main theme, Evolution in Smart Materials, will be the focus of several sessions, including keynote addresses and panel discussions. There will also be a showcase of posters on a variety of themes, as well as special events for attendees from across the world.

The goal for oral presentations in cutting-edge research on smart materials science and technologies in 2023 is 100 or more. In order to discuss the topics, issues, best practises, and trends required to make the right decisions to guide their business strategies and future science and technology direction, 200+ internationally renowned experts, academicians, senior scientists, professors, and project leaders from 40 leading countries will assemble.

In the meantime, it gives you a great chance to be able to share your results with others and have enlightening conversations with them about the most recent advancements in your field of study.  having the capacity to impart knowledge while taking part in academic conferences.

At the conference, we hope to see you there!

Best Regards,

Organizing Committee

Smart Materials 2023

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